Friday 24 February 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What Have You Learned About Technology/ies From the Process of Constructing This Product?


Before I began this project, I had a personal picture blog on a different website called Tumblr, but I had never heard of Blogger before.I can now say, however, that I have become very confident with using the website and have really enjoyed learning about it and using it to post about the research, development and execution of our film opening, and can now say that I am a confident user of Blogger.

Although we only discovered Celtx after the Pre-Production stage, if we had the opportunity to do our project again, the use of the website would be very helpful. It provides templates for the vital documents that we need to include in Pre-Production such as call sheets, story boards and health and safety forms.

Google has been the basis of all of our research for our film opening. I would not say that I have learned a lot about using Google during our project, as I was an avid user beforehand, but do now feel much more experienced in using it.

Photoshop was used to edit some pictures, but its primary use for us was scanning and uploading the completed Storyboard, Risk Assessment form and Call Sheet. Out of the two of us, Jessie Worked the most with Photoshop, however I feel that although we may not be at the same skill level with it, my skills have developed from nothing (as I have never used it before) and I am pleased with the progress I made with Photoshop. I do still believe, however, that there is still a lot more for me to learn and a lot of m=new ways that I can use Photoshop. For example, it would be ideal for making a poster for our film.

Before this project, I had never used SlideShare. I now am a frequent and confident user and have uploaded 6 presentations so far. I find this website incredibly useful, as it allows me to store my presentations in one place and have them accessible and easy to share. I also really appreciate that the format I have uploaded my presentations in (Powerpoint for Mac- .pptx)has not been changed and I can view the powerpoints in that format no matter what type of computer I am on. I feel that the website is easy to use and I will definitely use it again.

Youtube was used in this stage of our project to look for inspiration. We viewed previous Media Coursework pieces both from Chenderit and other schools, as well as the trailers of films that we wanted to be similar to ours, such as (500) Days of Summer. We also found inspiration in a music video for a song with the title of our film; the song is The Story Of Us by Taylor Swift.


Digital Camcorders

Jessie and I enjoyed taking turns in operating our digital camera. Neither of us had properly used one before and I really enjoyed how easily the camera was to learn about. We used this camera for all of our footage in various ways, including on a fixed stand, on a stand that we could turn to shoot a pan shot and holding the camera free-hand to give the sequence a more arty and 'indie' feel. The biggest lesson that Jessie and I learnt in dealing with this camera would have to be remembering to set the footage to save onto the SD card and not the camera's own memory (having not done so in the preliminary task, and therefore loosing a lot of footage).

Flip Camera

I really enjoyed using this camera. It was simple to use and its size made it easy to carry around and to shoot 'behind-the-scenes' footage with. Neither Jessie nor I had used one before, and we both picked up how to use it very quickly. I liked it so much, in fact, that I now have my own!

Post- Production

Final Cut Express 

This was another new technology to Jessie and I, and one that I am very confident in using now. I really enjoyed using this software, and was perhaps a little too enthusiastic when it came to editing our film, but we did share the task, with me operating the computer as Jessie and I decided on each detail of the opening. At first it took a few tries to get used to the program, but, as with most things, once I knew how to do it, it was easy! I would definitely use Final Cut again for any future film projects, and feel happy with the progress that both Jessie and I have made in using the software.

Freeplay Music 

This is a website consisting of many quality royalty-free music, and was simple to use as it features a search engine, so there was no trouble in finding the type of music that we wanted, the only trouble was deciding which of the many soundtracks to use!

Garage Band 

This was used to record the voiceover for our film that we ended up not featuring. It has lots of options for pre-recorded sounds and instruments as well as recording your own. We did have some rather time-consuming problems with the microphone used, which did get sorted in the end. If we were to use the program again for the same reason, I think that we would ensure that we recorded the voice in a room without an echo.

Live Type 

We used Live Type to construct our i-dent for 'Messy Productions'. Jessie took the role of operating the computer as we both made the decisions on how we wanted the i-dent to be. It was interesting to use, and I liked experimenting with the animation and fonts that were available.

Soundtrack Pro 

We experimented with the wide range of sounds and effects that this software offered us, however we found that to make an entire track that was to be the main audible feature of the film opening would be too time-consuming and decided to look on a copyright-free website instead. However, you will found the product of our experimentation on some of the behind-the-scenes footage.


Internet Distribution 

If we were to distribute our film online, we would use a website such as Netflix of LoveFilm, as they are proving very popular with our demographic. It would also be a cost-effective way of reaching audiences across the world.

Social Networking Sites 

Websites such as Facebook or Twitter would be a great way to create a 'buzz' about our film, if we were to distribute it. Using websites such as these will be even better for us, as a very high percentage of our demographic have accounts on them. We would set up a long-tail marketing scheme such as a page or account for our film with competitions that involve the audience and other users of the websites.


Mind Meister 

I used this website to make mind-maps for various parts of our project. It is very easy to use and I found it very helpful, as I was able to see all of the different elements of something in one place. I would definitely use this again in both another project and in every day life to help me be more organised!


We also used YouTube to upload our final piece onto, which involved creating an account (although Jessie and I both used her account as it was easier to keep all of the uploads in the same place). I also discovered how to use the annotation tool which allowed me to comment on our film opening part by part about how it appeals to our audience. I definitely feel more educated on how to use YouTube now and intend to keep using it and learning more about its features.

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